Art Gallery
Kula Maui HI 96790
Kula Maui HI 96790 |
Tropical Bamboo Wood -
to many, bamboo is actually a grass. Many larger bamboos
are very tree-like in appearance and are often called
"bamboo trees". However bamboos are different from
trees in that they lack the perpetually growing layer of a
tree's trunk beneath the bark that increases a tree's diameter
each year; and they lack the cells that make a tree grow
taller. A single stem of bamboo normally reaches full
height in one growing season. A bamboo "tree"
can live for several years, increasing the number of side
branches, but growing neither broader nor taller. |
Usually identified with tropical regions (including
Hawaii), there are approximately a thousand species of
bamboo that can be found growing in highly diverse
climates all over the world. Shoots generally grow to
their full height in only one season, with some species
growing as much as a foot a day. The stems are jointed
with regular nodes, giving bamboo its very distinctive
appearance. Some tropical bamboo stems regularly
reach heights of well over one hundred feet. |

treated bamboo forms a very hard wood which is both light and
exceptionally strong. In some tropical areas it is used in home
construction as well as such varied uses as building bridges,
furniture, canoes -- even musical instruments. Bamboo
grows wild on most of the Hawaiian Islands, however it is not a
cultivated crop and does not contribute significantly to the
state's economy. Still the bamboo patches found throughout
Hawaii add to the tropical lushness of the Islands and are a
valued part of our environment. |

Among its many and varied uses, bamboo makes for a
distinctive as well as an especially attractive picture
frame. We consider natural-colored tropical bamboo to be
a perfect choice for Cruiser Art prints. Its light
and airy appearance is reminiscent of a faraway sun-drenched beach. Assembled in Hawaii from frame molding
imported from southeast Asia, the distinctive nodes of bamboo make this frame both unique and
unmistakable. |
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